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Drying Blanks

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I am in the process of cutting loads of bowl blanks and sealing them with wax (done 12 Silver Birch today), have anyone here made a small kiln to dry their blanks, I will be milling a Yew over the next few week and would love to dry it a little quicker. I have also got a load of Holly, Oak and Sycamore on the go!

Andy Coates:
google it. There's loads of info online.

Basic set up...old fridge, air holes drilled, light bulb and a few computer fans. (NB: do not cut into refrigerant system and release CFCs)

Another tip :-   Wire a "Dimmer switch" to the light so you can adjust temp.


Roger Groom:
When you say blanks, I assume that you mean the first stage, of cutting round blanks from a board prior to turning. In my opinion you will not be able to dry out say a 4" thick bowl blank in a small kiln. The centre of the blank will always be at a far higher moisture content than the outside, and in fact, you risk damaging the blank. Best to rough turn your blanks first to the recommended 10% of diameter thick and then put them in a kiln. The likes of Glenn Lucas do this on a huge scale. My opinion only, but based on my own experiences.
Roger G

Tim Pettigrew:

--- Quote from: pennardesign on December 09, 2012, 06:08:36 PM ---I am in the process of cutting loads of bowl blanks and sealing them with wax (done 12 Silver Birch today), have anyone here made a small kiln to dry their blanks, I will be milling a Yew over the next few week and would love to dry it a little quicker. I have also got a load of Holly, Oak and Sycamore on the go!

--- End quote ---

This Link from another forum might be of help?  Unfortunately the original photos have been removed but  I intend to build one of these as soon as my new workshop is habitable!



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