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How Kind was Santa?

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Bryan Milham:
So, who got what (for the workshop), Sound Off.

I got work braces to hold my trousers up, a new thinsulate hat and a book on the history of wood and it's uses through the ages and by the worlds various cultures.

Also a promise of a Branding Iron when I know what I want it to say (

Santa is a very nice man he left me a new Versa chuck which I'm very impressed with  and 30 pen kits 10 of the new Lucidia kits 10 Jn Gents and 10 Sierra and there are 10 of the Victors on the way from Oz Dave has a new offer on them  for today £6.42 and no postage on orders over $80 £51.41

Got a decorating elf in my stocking which I wasn't expecting, handy little tool that will be really useful for a lot of things. Also a commission for some restoration work in a church came through on Christmas Eve. Nice surprise. Thank you Santa.


I got what every woodturner wants................. a promise of a trip to Yandles and a fistful of vouchers to spend plus my subscription to Woodturners mag for another year.
John BHT

Doug Barratt:
I got an "Angry Birds" hat for those cold days in the workshop  :o  :o

Hopefully the kids have forgotten about it this morning as it can get a trifle warm sitting in the house with it on, just for their amusment  :-\ :-\

Hope you all had a great Xmas.



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