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Quality of tools after 3cm grinding


Jo Winter2:
Hi all,
a question to all. I have a guess after grinding ca. 3cm of a gouge the quality is less as before ?
The durability is shorter and the sharpness worse. I use different producers and it seems to be everywhere.
What is your experience ?

Regards Jo

Bryan Milham:

I've had this discussion on another forum and the consensus was that the first 2 or 3 centimetres of a tool is of a different quality.

But everyone I've read about said it was the first bit that was the worst, once they ground past that the quality of the tool was better. It was assumed to be something to do with the hardening process being less controlled at the tip.

Certainly one of my Henry Taylor bowl gouges sheared the tip off one day while cutting an Oak bowl, but it seemed much better once I'd reground it.

Could it be you prefer the 'temper' of the tip steel to the rest of the tool?

Steve Jones:
I agree the first 2cm is normally the worst. Is the gouge carbon steel and not HSS. if so you may have lost the correct temper by getting it too hot. (just a thought)

Jo Winter2:
thanks for your answers. It is normal HSS. I know, especially one tool producer can have a worst first 1/2cm.
But I mean to have a worster steel after 3-4cm grinding. I have no idea what can it be.
Thanks Jo


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