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Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please

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I got it from Poolewood, its probably a fault with me rather than the saw, wouldn't be the first time  ::)

Philip Greenwood:
Have you tried what John and i have said about setting up the bandsaw, all bandsaws need to set up before using.

Or give Poolewood a phone.


yes I have been trying it, although just now I didn't dare turn it on as its after midnight  ;D

I think a lot of the problem is with the top screw in this picture, its just turning without really gripping, and it would seem that just those two screws are holding the whole upper assembly in place. I don't really see how it could ever be firm with just two screws holding it in the middle, it would always be able to move side to side on the screws a little surely?

Andy Coates:
Are you in a woodturning club, Katchin? If not, where abouts are you? There may be somebody that would be willing to come and take a look for you. Bandsaws have been known to have a nasty attitude, so it would be better to KNOW it was set up correctly.

I'm in the Red Rose woodturning club, which unfortunately does not have a forum. It next meets on 20th March, cant say I really know anyone there yet however, as only recently joined. I live in Lancaster.


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