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Fox F28-186 Bandsaw Help Please

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Not much basically.

Its properly centred at least this time, no problems with the guides. But absolutely no power, same piece of 1/2" pine, blade stopped repeatedly. The saw sounded faster than the last one, but not much. Guess I will have to get a refund, and ebay the blades I bought for it :(

was slow to get to speed on start up too, yet it turns freely by hand.

Andy Coates:
Not a good advert for Fox then.

It's a shame you've had all this trouble. I think I'd go the eBay way next time, or else plump for a Record bandsaw. I know a number of people with the 300 and 350 and they all say it's a great saw. Not sure how the price compares to your Fox though.

The BS300E is £385, the 350S is £457, mine was £180   ;D

big price jump for someone totally new to turning, but as they say, you get what you pay for I guess.

Whilst I was writing this reply, the engineer from Serracon rang me up as I had already spoken to Terry from Poolewood. He wants to try a third time, and has promised to try the saw first before it gets sent out, so that would be good, as long as I get a working saw i'm happy, even if it has taken a month  >:(

Dave Atkinson:
There must be something wrong with the motor again James.  have you tried running it without the blade just see how fast it sounds? 

Let's hope Serracon get it sorted for you.  Fox stuff is usually pretty good - we have their small lathe at out club and it gives great service. 

Here's hoping

Cheers Dave

bandsaw is being collected tomorrow and i'm opting for a full refund instead of a replacement, i've lost confidence in it. So I need a new option, I hear that the Startrite 352 is the best option if you can find a 2nd hand one, cant find one currently though. Any others you can think of that are good? I would go for the Record 300, but with VAT its £461, and thats just a bit too much for me.


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