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Arts & Crafts & the EBacc

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Andy Coates:
The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) threatens the very future of creative subjects - like Music, Art, Design & Technology, Drama and Dance.

By missing them off its list of core areas children must study, the Government is undermining their place at the heart of learning.

Your voice is vital to help change this.

Bryan Milham:

well done on bringing this to our attention.

Duly signed.


Have signed as well.


David Buskell:
Have signed as well - thanks for bringing it to our attention. I notice that the music industry is supporting the petition but we haven't had anything from them on this.

Arts & Crafts are alive and well in the private school sector - at the moment.


Philip Green:
I heard from a local teacher that D & T was being taken out of the national curriculum but was not aware that it extended to the arts.

My local school has not reduced the amount of D & T that it teaches and that includes woodturning, with a little help from one of my clubs.

I have emailed both my clubs urging them to sign and to contact our local MPs.

Is the AWGB going to become one of the supporters listed on the website?


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