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Arts & Crafts & the EBacc

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I'm sure Michael Gove is already well aware of the points raised in the uproar against the EB, which started immediately after it was introduced.

It's a modern version of the old requirements for "matriculation" which I obtained in 1940. At the time, the requirement was to achieve credits in at least 5 subjects at the then School Certificate. Of the 5, english language and maths were obligatory. The PURPOSE was to establish a benchmark for further education. My other three were science, french and english literature. THIS DID NOT PRECLUDE OTHER SUBJECTS, including woodwork, from the overall syllabus. Of all these the most import during my career as an electical engineer turned out to be english language. It is of course THE most difficult subject. Try UNDERSTANDING the small print in a contract, or writing an unambiguous specification.


David Buskell:
Tonight's Evening Standard, page 13:

"Ebacc must not exclude arts, warn dealers"

Directors of 70% of the galleries at this week's London Arts Fair said the arts should be included in the Ebacc qualification.

Article is also a plug for the Fair at the Design Centre Islington, but does also say that some big names such as Sir Nicholas Serota and Charles Saatchi support the cause.


     earlier I posted that I had written to my MP about this and he said he would bring it to the Education Secretary's attention. Yesterday I had a letter from the House of Commons with a reply enclosed.
 I do not think it is polite to reproduce the whole letter here but I have picked out a few salient points.
"(The Government) want to make sure every child has the opportunity to paint,draw and sculpt;enjoy dance, and master the principles of design and craftsmanship. That is why arts subjects and music are in the National Curriculum from the start of primary school to the end of Key Stage 3-when children are 14.And every young person has an entitlement to take an arts subject on to the age of 16".
   There are one or two other points made and the comment that " the Arts Council is undertaking work to review curricula and qualifications in arts subjects".
        I just thought you would be interested in this,
John BHT

I have signed this.. close to my heart as all our children our envolved.. they did have a talk about this at our school last week..

Eric Harvey:
thanks for putting the post up Andy,have signed,regards,



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