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Legal issues related to selling craft-work

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All of these posts ,including mine, have been pretty negative although true to the point. What should be remembered is if you enjoy turning and have the  ability to to turn out well crafted goods, if you do not wish to be a millionaire(or want a bottle of wine on Sundays)and welcome the challenges that being a self employed wood turner throws up, if you are happy for your hobby to become an all consuming lifestyle I cannot think of a better way of nearly earning a living.Be prepared though for the members of the public who pick up a finely crafted item that you have lovingly worked on that may have taken you a day to turn and a week to carve,burn,sand, polish or whatever only to hear them say"I did wood turning at school or I made one of these at school or it's only worth five quid or the favourite one was don't buy that it's stuff they've made themselves!"Sometimes it is hard to keep quiet and keep a civil tongue in your head, but the day that the customer tells you it is the "best they've ever seen or gosh this must have taken you ages or oh! it's beautiful" those days you are 6 foot taller and the world is a better place. ;)
John BHT


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