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So, how much...?

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Hi all i was wondering the same thing i have a web page and was wondering if any one could help by telling me what i should sell for web site is i could really use your help as people  telling me to sell things at a low price as im not a professional turner. Would really like some help so i can show them what you all think


--- Quote from: BrianH on January 12, 2013, 11:50:15 AM ---Hello Arc (or should I be more formal and address you as  Mr Cos? :D)
May I suggest your last sentance is a wise one. If you set out with the idea of 'turning is learning' and that all lessons learnt are far more valuable than the bits of wood that taught them you are on the right track to my 'umble opinion, that is. All the very best with whatever you do.
PS     Where is the cafe in question?

--- End quote ---

Hello Mr H  ;)

The turning to lean is the ONLY way that I can see my self improving!

'Playing' round with ideas and also looking at suggestions from others is a really good way to learn.

Yesterday I was presented with a magazine, you know, one of those 'designer' home magazines. Then came questions... "Can you make one of those? "Please make one of these for me" etc etc

So, this morning I seeing if I can make one of those!

On top of that aside from 'learning" I have received an 'order' for a set of 6 bowls and a salad bowl! OMG! The 6 bowls, ummm, well ok It's going to take me a few days to HOPEFULLY make a 'set' but the salad bowl? Well, thats going to be something a little more 'tricky' to say the least! I havent turned anything large than maybe 6" before!

The cafe is in Portugal and they are now pressing me to get some pieces turned for a permanent display!

Have I hit on little business? Who knows, but there is certainly a LOT of interest here! It's not exactly what I intended and thought that maybe I would sell one or two pieces but the interest is quite amazing!

I love turning and learning and if I sell a piece or two to cover my beer tab then I am happy  ;)


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