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My turning days are over

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Sorry to hear your news always pleased to see your prolific output. Hopefully we will still see posts from you and also some pen pictures.

Turners cabin:

--- Quote from: woody on January 17, 2013, 10:31:18 AM ---
--- Quote from: Turners cabin on January 17, 2013, 09:38:15 AM ---woody dont give in just swap the lathe out for a one way sit down one i may know were one is going for sale in lincolnshire if he still has it let me know

--- End quote ---
Hi Ian
I have a small lathe that I can sit at but with the condition I have its not just the standing my heart isn't pumping enough blood around to keep my body going and when there is any exertion it takes blood from the muscles and diverts it to the major organs then I get the chest pains and i lose all the power in my arms

But this said I'm not giving up completely I will still try making small items like pens, boxes and small bowls and see how I get on with them but if my body is still saying give turning up then I will as much as I love my hobby I love life even more.

As I said before this has been coming on for a long time that is why I started model making so it may be a bit of turning one day and a bit of model making another but most definitely no more big stuff 

--- End quote ---

well any thing i can do let me know

john taylor:
Sorry to hear about this woody, I know how you must be feeling I have AF plus some other problems and my turning has been reduced to almost nothing over the last 6 months.   Sitting down is a good way to ease the problem but there is also something called pacing I know about it through pain management for arthritis but it can also be used for your problem.

It is a straight forward concept yet hard to put into practice when you are enjoying yourself doing something, I have definitely found it helps over the last 6 months.

There is a lot about it on the web if you search for "pacing pain" as always it helps to have the search filter on.   More info here


Thank you for trying to be helpful but I have been dealing with joint pain for many years now as I have broken my back twice in the past and have learned pain management the pain I get now is because of heart failure which is a totally different thing and could kill me believe me pain management will not help   

john taylor:
Hi Woody, sorry I didn't explain myself properly, like you I learnt pain management years ago and pacing is one of the methods I use and I have applied the same principals to my current heart problems.   I understand fully the implications of your problem as I am in an identical position, all be it from a slightly different diagnosis.   I took your previous post to mean that you could do a bit of turning before the symptoms kicked in, if I am wrong I am sorry.

I have found out that on a good day I can do up to 40 minutes of light physical work at a time before I need to rest for between 1 1/2 & 2 hours then I can do another session.   In the workshop I have a kitchen timer which I set to 30 minutes when I first go in there.   When the timer goes off I stop what I am doing and go indoors for a rest, I have found I can do three sessions a day without out it kicking things off.   If I go over time and it starts to kick off I have to rest for three or four days before things go back to normal, I wish, and I can do any more light work so I make sure I don't over do it.

It is a pain being restricted like that but at least I can do some turning all be it small things not the big burrs etc I love to turn.



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