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Doug Barratt:
Damn snow, I was supposed to fetch a new toy, "Ahem" machine today   ;D, but a 200 mile round trip isn`t the best idea when there`s snow on the ground & more forecast  :'(

At least I`ve a day off to play in the workshop  :D


No snow here in Essex near Southend, Just going into the workshop to put the heater on to warm up ready for my new student this afternoon.

Snow here in Swansea, South Wales, but very slushy now at 10.30. Still snowing off and on, but I'm right close to the sea here and I know its a lot worse in land. Staying at home and in the workshop in the warm. Stay safe.

I've lived here on the Norfolk coast for half a lifetime but I'm still mesmerised by the patterns on the beach made by wind-whipped snow over the roughed up sand with the surf crashing to one side and marram grass wispering to the other....magical!
 Walking down to see it that's a rather different experience.

B cold here in Margate :o,very cold wind no snow yet but some expected later today, wish my workshop had an efficent heater, only got a fan heater and am about concerned about dust particles etc on the element .

Should get a wood burning stove for all the mistakes I'm making ! Still I'll get the hang of it eventually ?  :-[
Regards to all,
Bob.   :)


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