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Under the topic 'sharpening chisels' Bob a Job offered to help "if you are anywhere near Margate", which prompts me to ask if 'Location' should be a must on your profile.
It seems to happen fairly often that ones location is relevant to the topic.   

Tony Malin

Bryan Milham:
I can see that there could be many useful bit's of information that could be asked for in signing up for a forum, but at the same time there is also a need to keep the level of compulsory information down, so as to not scare off prospective members.

George, I understand you're comment about proper names (and I don't use mine) but I also understand  the WWW. That is what was the WWW (a place to look up information), what it's grown into under forums, blogs and community sights like FB and Google+ (what is known as Web2), but there is also a hidden one called DeepWeb. Out of curiosity I took a peek - I now know what the 'B' stand for!

Because of this I keep my interest areas separate with different usernames, so as to prevent a DeepWeb search bringing up all my YouTube, Origami, Woodturning, Games etc., links and interests in one go.

Any information above a 'Username' and a working e-mail address, must be voluntary. ;)



You have just highlighted the very thing of my concern, it has other titles and then there's the dark ..

Should the wife's granddaughter in Texas be using her phone for FB via the map she can see her location..  same should you turn on ... find my ipad.

This is more of an open forum than we think ..  Big Boy issssssssssss

If I joined under my real name most people wouldn't know who I was I have been called woody for many years it is a nick name that is used by more people than those who call me Vic

Names, I agree, but general location would be useful.


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