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Bryan Milham:
J**n (B*T),

I agree. In my earlier post I said 'why' I used different nicknames for each interest area, but I've never had (much of) a problem being known as Bryan, but Dragonfly is certainly more memorable. My location (shown as 'War Office') is nothing more than a humorous reflection of my previous career (Army) and current employment (MoD Civil Servant).

I agree that if a text area for further voluntary information or a greater range of voluntary text fields were available, as we (the forum users) become more comfortable with using the forum, and wish for a greater interaction with our on-line friends, we could expand on the detail s we post.

What I do not know is if this functionality is available within this forum engine or if it would mean a change to a different engine.

That's a question for the Forum Master or Mods.

Dave Atkinson:

You can certainly modify your profile to show where you live.  I've just done mine.  But it doesn't show on the left hand side of the  post.  I'll ask andy and get back to you.

We have no desire either now or in the future to mandate the information you wish to make public.  That is, and will remain, up to you.

Cheers Dave

Martin Lawrence:
If you want to add your location do the following

1. Open the profile tag at top of page under you name

2. click on Forum Profile Information in Modify Profile section on left of screen

3. Type your town/county in the box titled Personal Text under your avatar picture.

Your details will show as displayed in mine in this post.

Cheers Martin

Andy Coates:
Thanks, Martin. You saved me a job.

In the user registration agreement I do ask people to use sensible, real, names where possible, but cannot impose it. And wouldn't. It has to be a per user choice.

The same goes for user location. I could impose it but I believe it would deter some users from joining. As Martin has detailed you can add your location via your own PROFILE page. So if you want to show it knock yourselves out.

As for threats of leaving if something isn't done...good luck with that approach in life.

Thanks Martin. I've followed the instructions and wait to see if I got it right.
Re Daves comment on not wanting to mandate it, if it is generally thought to be useful you could mark it "Recommended".

Tony Malin


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