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Location details would also allow committee to assess geographic spread and hot spots of members
dave w

Bryan Milham:
Okay, so I've changes 'War Office' to North Somerset.

So if anyone in the W-S-M area wants to visit, you're more than welcome.

Actually I think that home workshop visit days would be an idea we could start to propagate amongst ourselves - anyone else game?

as long as theres tea coffee  ;D ;D ;D

seriously at our club we have had a few visits to member sheds, it can be quite illuminating,viewing how others handle storage and layout of shops.
Dave Willcocks


--- Quote from: dr4g0nfly on February 03, 2013, 04:02:07 PM ---
Actually I think that home workshop visit days would be an idea we could start to propagate amongst ourselves - anyone else game?

--- End quote ---

It is a fantastic idea I have always had an open workshop and had many turners visit from opposite ends of the country and we have always had a fantastic time that is with the experienced and newbies with all of us sharing our skills and learning from each other  the sad thing is I no-longer have a workshop to share in but I am still getting visits
This idea needs to be promoted


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