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Parting off...?

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With a hacksaw?

I just watched a guy part off a pendant with a hacksaw... Following on from comments...

Is this safe???

Anyone else do this?

I still use a tennon saw with the lathe off. I just don't have
The confidence yet to catch a piece that's spinning at
1000rpm + in one hand while holding a parting tool in the
other. I will part down to a small diameter beforehand though.

I have a little gentlemans saw I use to part off the final 1/4" when parting off but wouldn't try and do it with the lathe running.


Bryan Milham:
I think, from your comment, you are talking about someone doing this while the wood is rotating, hmmm, not overly happy with that as an idea, but it's like anything, practice and what you feel safe and happy with.

Like others I use a small saw (on stationary items) to part off larger items, I'm quite happy parting of the small ones. My weapon of choice is a Japanese Ikedame Dovetail saw.

However I've been considering purpose making a saw for this job using a fine toothed jigsaw blade.

Yes, this was parted whilst rotating...

It was a full size hacksaw and made a very clean cut...

I am not sure that I would feel too comfortable parting off in this way!


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