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Filling cracks....

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Bryan Milham:
I've taken a couple of pictures of the little Spalted Beech pot I mentioned earlier, I turned it a couple of years ago. It cracked along one of the spalt lines, so I made a feature of it with the ribbon.

I also made it a strange lid, it more sit's on than fit's but SWMBO likes it.

In size it's 125mm (5") high with the lid, 75mm (3") without and 55mm (2") wide at the base

Doug Barratt:
If you use supper glue or the like make sure you give it plenty of time to set, not just a few seconds, better still spray it with an activator.
If the glue hasn`t set properly & you switch on the lathe it can spray out causing possible injuries.


This walnut bowl had a hole which has been filled with coffee grinds and epoxy. Use masking tape on the reverse side then fill the hole and leave to cure, longer than the instructions say.

WOW, some fantastic ideas there! Thanks guys!

Looks like I better dash off and get some araldite and save some of my coffee grounds.

As the piece is 'only' a tea light with a fairly heavy /thick base for the larger tea lights it would be great to try and resolve the problem but NOT hide it!

I like the lacing idea (not sure about a pink ribbon though)... I guess I could not drill all the way through, some of it I simply couldnt drill all the way through and try and make a lace effect on the side.

Hmm food for thought!

Bryan Milham:
Ah, eh... the pink ribbon actually works, the little pot sits on SWMBOs dressing table so being slightly feminine works.


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