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How much does your bowl cost?

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Bryan Milham:
Oak and some fruit shavings go well to people with food smokers. Woody used to turn pens from old whisky barrels. These shavings go well for the same reason. Can you get any old Sherry or Port casks?


--- Quote from: dr4g0nfly on February 18, 2013, 08:25:34 PM ---Oak and some fruit shavings go well to people with food smokers. Woody used to turn pens from old whisky barrels. These shavings go well for the same reason. Can you get any old Sherry or Port casks?

--- End quote ---
And all the shavings were sold for smokers along with the barrel off cuts another good one was Camphor shavings


Now there is something interesting!

I am selling my shavings as cat litter!

Yes folks are buying it, yes it works!

I suspect if I were able to produce enough shavings I would also have a market for composting toilets too!

Bryan Milham:
You're becoming a one man wood industry over there!

Sorry if my last words sounded flipent but the point I was making ...rather clumsily perhaps...was that buyers are notoriously short on imagination. The finest work in the land is likely to remain unsold if displayed behind the counter of a butchers, bakers or barbers (say) just as a pound of sausages would be scorned if offered in a hardware shop.
On the other side of the coin a buyer might well ignore a beautiful platter displayed on an overcrowded craft stall but jump at the chance of the same piece artfully lit in the glass case of an art gallery.
Horses for courses, don't they say?


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