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Good Idea?

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Yep, wood hardener is the stuff, normally used for rotting wood but works well on good stuff too. The firm I worked for years ago used to by it in 45 gal drums(so I had a ready supply). Kept in an airtight jar it lasts for ages.
   I think the only reason it was called "stabiliser" was to impress the customers but is exactly the same as the Ronseal stuff.
John BHT

Hi Arc
No idea about the oil bath but would be interested in hearing the results. My question would be the wisdom of varnishing the piece afterwards.

Yes I had thought about the varnishing of the piece too...

It's not looking too bad after the oil bath but has ZERO shine!

Maybe try my oil varnish mix on it and see what happens

Bryan Milham:
The only problem I can see is the oil hardens by polymirison the the air. What soaks deep into the wood does not make contact with the atmosphere ans so would not set.
Imerse for maybe20 mins or so. Certainly not hours or days. 

Thanks dr4g0nfly

I kind of knew there would be a reason!

And some chemical reaction with air was going to be the one!

The piece has stopped leaking oil and has retained its weight. I am going to try and give it some shine tomorrow and see what it looks like.

If it looks ok I will post a photo!


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