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returning to turning

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Firstly thanks for the possitive comments,i didnt know if anyone would even be interested in this type of post. a couple of good points by woodcraft. my electrician pal did try to explain exactly how these digital invertors work( if they were mechanical i would have understood)but he lost me at delta and star so i just let him set everthing up to work with the motor he supplied on which the plate says 3000rpm @50hz. it was a spare off some kind of high speed mixing machine from the pharmasutical industry and he again tried(in vain) to explain all this to me about going over frequency etc.
If you take a look at the pics you can see a stud wall to the rear of the motor through which the cowl of the motor now goes. The intention being to A keep it out of the dust as much as possible and B i am designing a cooling system to deliver cool air to the motor fan. wether this will help very much im unsure but it cant hurt,can it? To be honest, i dont tend to run slowly as even when well out of ballance i get very little in the way of movement and tend to get the speed up asap. Iv not put a reverse switch on as i simply swap lathes where possible if i need or want to rub backwards. Spoilt or what?
 I will post pics of whatever i manage to turn out but its not easy getting lumps as large as i have the caperbility of mounting. The oak in the picture is now a very plain shallow bowl set to dry but i will photograph it and post(on the understanding you all know it aint done)
Again thanks for the comments and advice.

Hi Scoot,
Thanks for taking my comments in the way they were intended. I always find it difficult doing that sort of thing as some people get really annoyed, thinking I am telling them what to do. It sounds like you've addressed my main concern, about overheating the motor.
I would still recommend a reverse switch as it is extremely easy to do, just another wire to one of the control terminals on the inverter (at least it is on all the inverters I have come across ::) ). And reverse can be very useful. In fact looking at the position of your toolrest, you could turn on the other side of the wood. Might be handy if you have some 'problem wood' but you would definitely need to 'lock' the faceplate to the spindle. But having seen the rest of your 'engineering' I get the impression that would be a very simple job for you to do.
Have lots of fun,


Welcome to the Forum and an interesting introduction, what away to return and a lathe from the pictures, should see you turning for years to come.

Not a bad looking pieced sat there as is it, will watch for more and be kind ..  ;D ..

Cheers      David

Hi Paul
Enjoyed reading your eeeelecktronic explanation. I tried my best not to duck but, I'm sorry to admit, most of it still went over my head. Since the nice man at Axminster fitted a new speedy gizmo to the monster I have made something of a habit of using the speed dial to stop and start the work. Is that advisable?
Also my gizmo has cooling holes across the top and I usually keep a rule over them to keep the dust out. Would you advize me to think about a more permanent way of covering them?  Box arrangement opening dowwards perhaps.
Thanks in advance

Hi Brian. mark here. just read your post and thought id pass on what i was advised regarding the invertor i use. the two guys who helped with this project have a wealth of knowlage between them and they both advised not to stop the motor with the speed control but to use the switch which i always do. As u will see from my original post the invertor is in a box and has a fillter to stop the dust. Its only made from scotchbright but will stop dust ok. The two guyes who helped with this project have just been in my shop to check things over (its after all still in a bit of a development phaze) and up to now things a fine. perhaps a little more bracing might be required at a later date as i knoticed a little vibration at the rest when up above 1000rpm (i did have a 700mm dia lump of oak in and it was out of ballance) but it will wait.


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