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Just acquired some Strawberry Tree!

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Hi John...

This is just a fragment and a piece that I am using to learn how it turns and what I can hopefully expect to get from the wood.

It's the main root that I really do NOT want to mess up! It's a huge, for me, piece of timber with a very non uniform exterior. It WILL need chopping into manageable pieces and its that chopping process that I am going to need some advice on.

I have been given a very large trunk of apple tree that, thankfully is fairly uniform and, through seasoning has a split almost dead centre which I have started to split. Started to split as my splitting chisel is not completely up to the job and I will be borrowing a second splitting chisel tomorrow to try and finish the job.

Likely, tomorrow, I will take some photos of the wood I have acquired the last two days and seek some proper advice on cutting and usage!

Hi arcos,
             I have no idea what type of wood this is, but what I would do if I was in your position is put a really good coat of wax or PVA glue on the ends and put it somewhere to dry out slowly and then in a few months time when you have gained more experience, not just at turning but with shapes and form and"seeing " the wood have another look at it. As it dries out you may lose some colour but you may not, and this looks to be such a nice piece of wood that it would be a shame to rush into it.
        I was given a beautiful Oak burr many years ago and kept it in the workshop for 5 years before cutting it, I have to say it was very hard not to just cut a bit to see what it was like(I had turned a lot of burrs prior to this but this one was exceptional)but in the end the wait really was worth it.
John BHT

Hi John BHT

I'm not sure if these grow in the UK but I will take a photo of one standing and a photo of the root I have been given.

It is such a MASSIVE lump of wood and in plentiful supply as no one here even bothers burning it on the fires!

There will a photo of a test turn I just finished in the gallery shortly. Just the 'fatter' piece of what you see in the photo... It was not a big piece and wedge shaped so the piece you see is the thin end of the wedge to balance a bit before I started turning the little bowl.

I hear what you are say about leaving it and you are probably right...

When looking at the root it 'appears' to have burrs on it and this is what I really want to ask about tomorrow.

Bryan Milham:

turning timber into usable blanks can be a whole other thread, a chainsaw (electric for indoor use) and a bandsaw are always first thoughts, but

there are some old time methods that are still useful if you have access to some metal. Wedges can be used to split a tree trunk lengthways - don't get me wrong it's hard work but does work. Also a Froe (Google it) can be quite easily made and for turning section of trunk into spindle blanks is a great tool.

Hi dr4g0nfly

I am beginning to relise that I have one piece of equipment missing.... A Band Saw!

I have some very odd shaped pieces that would be easily dealt with using a band saw, however.

I'm currently splitting, lengthways, a large section of apple with wedges. Unfortunately I have used my last wedge and about to head out and borrow one.


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