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Just acquired some Strawberry Tree!

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Martin Lawrence:
 Perfect for making Jam chucks  ;D

Bryan Milham:
Martin, that's an awful joke!


--- Quote from: Martin Lawrence on February 18, 2013, 06:32:18 PM --- Perfect for making Jam chucks  ;D

--- End quote ---

TUT!  ;D

Oh and now....

I wish I was closer to some of you experienced turners!

I have just acquired a HUGE piece of Strawberry Tree root! So big It would not fit in the boot of my car and was borderline on the suspension!

It would be great to share some of it with you AND get some guidance on the best way to cut, segment and turn this beautiful piece of timber!

Whilst collecting the Strawberry Tree root I also picked up something I have NO idea about. Its a root from a shrub, I will get some photos tomorrow for identification. Basically I have been told that they make smoking pipes from the woo so I am guessing that it must be pretty hard wood! The root is almost completely round and I would appreciate some advice on the best way to handle it. The shrub grows like a weed here and everyone just digs them up and burns the roots to get rid of them!

I took a piece of the Strawberry Root that I picked up today and turned a small pendant (I find it a nice way to see how the wood turns and how it looks!) It is incredibly reddy/pink especially when cut with a saw. Again, I took a photo the little piece I cut today and it looks like a piece of steak!

Will post it later!

The root may well be briar in which case it will be hard with a capital H.



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