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Making two matching items or more!

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Different is good George!

There is no right or wrong in this world, just different!

Banter is also GREAT... No one can agree 100% of the time... That would make for a very boring world!

Just don't make it personal... I do martial arts you know!!  ;D

I don't think that my work is "inferior"! Yes I am still learning this mazing art and I do my utmost to make the very best that I can achieve. I am a perfectionist and really spend more time than is perhaps necessary in achieving the best I can. Nope, I am SURE that it doesnt make the 'grade' of those who have been turning for decades but my God I try, and I am learning with every revolution of the lathe!

Don't like my work? Thats ok! I may not like yours either! (althought more likely I will just be envious of your skills!) Doesn't make it wrong, just makes it different!

I never started turning to earn a buck! If people want to hand me money that I can use to buy better tools, continue turning and improve my skills then I am happy!

I wonder if there are any inferior glassworkers or ceramicists out there? You wouldn't think so from some of the above statements. Come on guys, get down off your soapboxes and live and let live.


--- Quote from: George Foweraker on February 20, 2013, 09:28:21 AM ---Hi Arcos.

I never said your work was inferior I have no idea if it is or isn't.
One thing I do know is that I have never yet seen anybody that has been woodturning for a few months gain enough experience to be selling quality work.
Maybe you are the exception but I doubt it.
I do think you need to learn to walk before you can run .
I think I read that you had several attempts at square rimmed bowls explode that is not clever that is stupid and if you are not careful you will be hurting yourself.
That is not be being personal that is me saying take care.

Regards George

--- End quote ---

Oh I just LOVE being called stupid!

Cheers mate...


Arcos, how are you coming along with the remaining bowls, have you the set.

Cheers David

Unfortunately David, because I am so stupid, I have not been able to continue with the bowls!

Just been stuck selling inferior lumps of brown stuff to the unsuspecting public who know no better!


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