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Pay Pal Chip & Pin


Bryan Milham:
We had a discussion some time ago about being able to take payments at shows and other events.

Well today Pay Pal are announcing that they are going to release a Chip & Pin device to allow people to make payments via them.

Link to the BBC New website for more details here;

An acceptable, cheap means of taking cards would be a real boon at markets and so on. Selling more costly items is difficult if all you take is cash. I personally don't fancy the ones you plug into your phone, not really sure the general public would trust them, not sure I would either.


Interesting just how far Pay Pal goes to get your money .. owned by E-boot (bay) .. once upon a time E-b let you take any payment, cash, checks, (sorry cheques) western union etc. then the control as they took over PP and that as the only payment, even cc/debit cards are through them, nice yes, but then it's the changes, fair at 3% £3 in every £100. but given time and your buying/selling charges through them rockets or makes a quiet hole in your Profit.

Still a good thing, but how limited are you to your buy & sell.



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