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Craft Event Invitation...

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john taylor:
You are not wrong there, I have been doing them for a couple of years and so far I have always come away with a nice profit but not sure how it is going to go this year given the 2 shows I have done so far.

I was sent an invite to the ideal home exhibition and the cost is mind blowing, stands start at £760 per square metre and go up from there, I decided that was a bit too much for me.


Martin Lawrence:
Hi all,

 I'm just back from my first day displaying/selling on an Arts Trail which costs me £40 for 11 days, weather good so lots of visitors but not so many spensing only sold one hollow form, but thats one more item than the 3 artist/painters sold who share the venue. So got my money back and a lot more things can only get better I hope.

Cheers Martin.


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