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Pen Prices....?


I have been looking at prices of pens on sale and find quite a HUGE difference in pricing for basically the same pen!

For example, the Sierra pens turned by George here... I have seen ranging from around £17 to over £35!

Clearly there is a difference in price depending on wood choice but...

What is a realistic selling price for this style of pen?

This is just a curiosity question and NOT a question for me starting to sell pens... YET!  ;)

In a sense a lot of it depends were you want to sell them when I lived in London I could sell pens for 3 times the price as to when I moved to Lincolnshire and double the price I can now get in Newark but on the internet is another story Ebay rubbish prices your own site you can get a lot more but you still have to build up a client base first a lot sell pens for 3 times the price of what it cost to make them its a bit of a mine field

Hello arcos,
                I dare say you will struggle to get many people to tell you how much they sell pens for, obviously there is the privacy factor (read secret) but the other thing is some will make pens much quicker than others and will be able to sell them a bit cheaper and still be in profit. There are others who will sell them for what the market will stand(and good luck to them if they can in this day and age). I know a pen maker who sells Sierra pens in a box for £35. I sell the same pens in a box for £42.
Hope this helps
John BHT

Yes I guess there is some secrecy there although if one has a website then likely prices are advertised to the world!  ;)

I found a guy selling Sierra type pens for over £70! Obviously has a great reputation and has built this up over many years but seventy quid?? Oh and in a nice velvet type box!

I guess also it depends on the quality of the pen kit that you are working with.

Bryan Milham:
At a craft show(?) in the Winter gardens before Christmas, there was one stall just selling pens. They ranged from £40 to £100, and trade was brisk.


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