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End Grain Tearout

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I do not think filling the tearout with a slurry is conducive to a good finish.You have after all just filled it and as any self respecting craftsman knows the use of filler should be discouraged. We are trying to raise the standards of woodturning not lower them.
 Try swamping the area with super glue or a wood hardener/stabiliser and let it dry and then cut it out cleanly.
John BHT

John BHT

I agree that 'filling' is not ideal and certainly does not give a perfect finish.

Looking at the bowl closely and in good light you can just about make out where the tearout was. This is a huge improvement in what was really ba tearout.

Swamping/'filling' with super glue or wood hardener may achieve a better result but is it not an alternative to using the slurry to lubricate the wood?

Bryan Milham:

a further thought. You purchased a new set of Bowl turning tools. Do you know how to sharpen a scraper and more importantly set a 'Burr' in it to take those 'angel hair' shavings you mention?

As was suggested in a previous post, I used a square cut scraper to try and remove the tearout.

Having looked at the wood in more detail and some other pieces that I have cut, I am unsure that it is even fair to call it tearout. The wood is so 'rotten' that I really do not think that I will achieve very much in the way of reducing tearout.

I am in the middle of turning another piece right now and feel that the fibres are extremely loose in some areas, particularly the end grain. Super Glue or wood hardener as suggested by John BHT is quite possibly the way forward or some way of stabilising the wood.


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