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MT1 or MT2?

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I just found the exact lathe I have on fleabay...

Looks like Clarke, NuTool and Draper all use the same lathe, branded of course.

Thanks for all the help guys...

Going to go for MT1 as it does seem to be the right size (fingers crossed!)

You can't go far wrong buying something with a 1MT as it can be easily, and cheaply, sleeved up to 2 but sleeving a 2down to 1, while being possible, is rarely attempted because of the lost length and extra possbility of dirt induced wobblies.
All the best

Easy for you to say Brian!

Living in deepest, darkest rural Portugal you can find B(*^&$@ ALL!  ;)


--- Quote from: arcos on March 21, 2013, 05:47:45 PM ---Easy for you to say Brian!

Living in deepest, darkest rural Portugal you can find B(*^&$@ ALL!  ;)

--- End quote ---

Can't .....   >:( ....


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