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Just been having a big clean up and have quite a bit of dust/shavings bagged up.

I had a thought....  I don't get too many so bear with me :-[

Would it be possible to reconstitute the shavings with PVA glue or similar, compress and then, once dried, turn into something 'interesting'?

Basically if you did that you would be turning chipboard. 
John BHT

 :-[ Ah right...

Thanks John

Bryan Milham:
The only other thing I've ever seen donr with shavings is to put them through a compressing machine and make wood pellets for burning.

But the machine is many £000's and only viable in an industrial stiuation.

As long as you've not used any dangerous/poisonous woods (yew/laburnum etc) I normally find people with small animals like the stuff as bedding for them.

Martin Lawrence:

  My suggestion is where I get rid of mine, local alotment always want them for the compost heAP, they rot down quickly and put back some barbon and nourishment.

 Used as bedding for pets is fine as long as there is no dust amongst it as animals have lungs that damage the same as we do.

Cheers Martin


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