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Turning Acrylics?

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So, following on from my recent dip into making pens I am about to place an order for some more and different kits.

I am considering having a go at turning an acrylic pen.

Is there anything that I need to consider before tackling acrylic?

Les Symonds:
I did a bit of work with acrylics when I was in college (so many years ago that it seems a different lifetime). From what I recall, all machining was done with very fine toothed blades, followed by a fine file to remove tool marks, followed by lots of Brasso to get a good gloss finish on cut-surfaces.
Of course, arcos, the passage of time might well have rendered all that immaterial. None-the-less, I admire your drive and your willingness to keep trying out ideas new to you. When I first started turning I was very traditional/formal in my approach, so the 20-year break that I took from turning has done me some good. I eagerly await pics of what you produce.
Les (gwyntog)

john taylor:
Turning acrylics can cause problems as you can rip out bits of them if you take too big a cut also drilling can be a problem.   Have a look at my site which shows how I make acrylic pens.


Paul Hannaby:
Acrylic is horrible stuff, smells bad, the shavings stick to everything, it melts if you overheat it and it chips and cracks if you abuse it. If you can cope with all that, have a go but my preference (in case you haven't already guessed!) is to stick to wood  ;)

If you do go over to the dark side, try T cut as the final polish.


--- Quote from: john taylor on March 31, 2013, 12:10:49 PM ---Turning acrylics can cause problems as you can rip out bits of them if you take too big a cut also drilling can be a problem.   Have a look at my site which shows how I make acrylic pens.


--- End quote ---

Thanks John (nice website)

Hmm, maybe I will be looking at making a few more wooden pens before going over to acrylic (or maybe not)


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