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Turning Acrylics?

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Doug Barratt:
I had a dabble with acrylics a few years ago after watching a demo by John Berkeley who is well worth seeing if you get the opportunity.

As John BHT says it is easier than wood, like all turning the sharper you get your tools the better, you still want all your personal protection gear & the finer the cutting paste you get for polishing the higher the shine you can achieve. I used a 3M paste that was for cutting back new car paint, very fine but gave a lovely finish.


Now for the unusual a friend of mine polishes his acrylic pens with a very cheep tooth paste and talcum powder or ajax which is a very old method of polishing and it works extremely well he refuses to pay the price for of the shelf polish

Hi Arcos  --  Don't be put off by acrylics, they can produce some stunning results. One thing that I have found is that you will need to colour the tubes when you glue them in because some of the blanks are translucent (I think that's the correct word) as you can see the brass through the plastic. I have used Humbrol Enamel Paint to colour my areldite and it seems to work well. Your sanding material needs to go a lot finer as well, after working down to 600 grit I switch to MicroMesh and go down to 2000 grit and a final polish with T-Cut.

Paul Hannaby:

--- Quote from: George Watkins on March 31, 2013, 04:12:32 PM ---please dont tar all "acrylic" with the same brush

--- End quote ---

I have turned quite a few different types of plastic (including acrylic) and they all have one thing in common, they are all plastic and I have yet to find one I like turning!

For me, one of the pleasures of turning wood is the end result being tactile and warm to the touch. I'm afraid no plastic comes close on that score.

George Watkins:
thats quite diffrent to what you said earlier Paul, I realise they are not to everyone's taste but your original post read like all acrylics stink and are horrible to turn which isnt true and was my point.

maybe you should try one of my blanks- they are really nice to turn and have virtually no odour.


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