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Lathe Height

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Martin Lawrence:
  If I were setting up my sorkshop again, I would set my lathe sentre height 6" above elbow height. For normal every day turning I would then stand on a 6" high raised platform, and when turning hollow forms remove the platform and no stooping to see inside.

Cheers Martin

Roderick Evans:
Hi Martin,
What a brilliant idea !! I'm redesigning my workshop and investing in a new lathe. I had intended to set the stand 6" below floor level to get my elbow parallel with the  drive centre ( being I'm a liitle on the short side ) .However ,your idea makes much more sense. I'm getting more in to hollowing at the moment and being as I suffer with back problems this seems to be the perfect answer. Why didn't I think of it?

Paul Hannaby:
Surely if you have the centre height 6" higher then your toolrest will be too. That will mean you will be holding the tool under your armpit and I bet it wouldn't be long before aches and pains in the wrists and shoulders set in due to the unnatural position.
I remember reading something in a David Ellsworth book where he suggests setting the lathe centre height well below elbow height for hollowing so you could stand up straight and have your arms in a more natural position while hollowing.
There probably is no single best height, it will depend on the individual and how you prefer to work so I guess it would pay to try different heights and see which is most comfortable.

It's generally suggested that the spindle should be at elbow height, but I would regard that as a starting point, I have my lathe with the spindle higher than my elbow (maybe 3-4 inch higher) I have a bad back problem and find the higher spindle stops me from hunching over as much and is much kinder to my back, I think it's a personal thing, some like it high some like it low, trouble is with the weight of some lathes it helps to get the hight right while assembling the lathe (unless your a power lifter that is!!! ;-)

The tailstock MUST be exactly at elbow height so that if you forget to take out the live centre it catches you right on the funny bone.


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