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Roger Groom:
The reason I asked was that you have approximately 1 cu ft of timber and £32 seems like a fairly cheap price. Is this plank green or has it been kilned? if it's green then there may be further movement . also does the price reflect what appears to be blue sap stain along it's length. Going off track a bit, how much would other members expect to pay for 1 cu ft of Sycamore? Should be interesting!!!


Hi Roger,

As it's from Yandles I take it as having been Air Dried ... Had not noticed the blue stain you mention, will check as to if it's along the full length, is there concern with it, I'm hoping the blanks will come out of the board without this area or layout that it would be turned away.

That price had 15% off too ...   ;D ..

Cheers   David

Doug Barratt:
Having not been to Yandles I`m not commenting on their timber but posted this as it seemed relevant

Yandles was being discussed on another forum & the following quote was made:-

 "I noticed that there was a lot of the low-grade stuff that they seem to put out especially for these shows. I was tempted by some of the sycamore, looking at the nice planed faces... Until I flipped them around and look at the splits down the other side!"

From the sounds of things, that quote being in reply to another about the lack of quality of their timber it would seem it may not be firsts.




Yep, this piece had a fine crack in the back that was longer than the two in the front  ... on saturday a board was there then and the split ran the 6ft center lenght ..


--- Quote from: woodndesign on April 09, 2013, 11:50:03 PM ---
Yep, this piece had a fine crack in the back that was longer than the two in the front  ... on saturday a board was there then and the split ran the 6ft center lenght ..

--- End quote ---

Over the years that Yandles were at that time, my local source for timber, as well as from each Show .. I'd not found any fault as such with the timber, even blanks can crack standing over time, buying however the raw board, however dry it maybe, can be a problem, as full or part there is likely to be a split end, at cost one planed side is an advantaged and will highlight any splits, I've read from somebody it's best to have a plane with one should you buy board from the stack ..  there not pre-planed and weathered sawn timber you've know idea.

At cost of the board you can loss something from a board .. that or the pre-cut blank stands you in at £8 ++ when the mill has the waste, at best double check.

Cheers  David


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