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You won't believe this!

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Les Symonds:
I've just spotted something on ebay that looks exceptionally dangerous. It's a gadget to to turn an upright drill-press into a spindle lathe. It has to be seen to be believed. If the gouge digs in, I dread to think where it's going to fly to!

Bryan Milham:
I have seen this idea before somewhere, maybe an old woodwork mag from years gone-bye.

I don't like it on several grounds;

The tool-rest is poorly supported, anywhere near the upper end with a dig in and it'll bend. Then heaven help you!

I'm not sure you could 'swing' the tool sufficiently in the 3 dimensions we need to to achieve some of the cuts we make.

A Lathe motor is designed to run constantly, a drill motor is designed to run for short periods, It'll burn out very fast (Electric hand drill motors have a life of around 100 hours usage).

Les Symonds:
...did you read the bit where it said that the toolrest is 12" long, but by reversing the wood in the chuck you can turn a 24" long'd be funny if not for the fact that it's lethal!

As the health and safety representative of the AWGB I cannot recommend the purchase of this device.(due to the fact that it may be detrimental to your health and well being)

Derwent Woodturning club:
Another example of what you see on the 'net is not always a good idea. And, unfortunately, there is no easy way of informing people of the dangers of this contraption.

I will be doing an article in our next newsletter bringing this to our member's attention. Maybe other editors could do likewise.

I am now thinking of creating a website called "What NOT to do in your workshop". I am sure there are many other examples of this sort of thing.


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