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What is the difference between...


I am currently quoting on a commission and need to know the difference in shape (if any) between a Yorkshire rose and a Tudor rose. (my apologies to any Yorkshire men or Tudors that I may have offended in demonstrating my ignorance).
John BHT

Not a huge amount, mainly colouring. They tend to vary a lot anyway. Here's an example of each

Hope this helps,

Thanks Pete.

Bryan Milham:

The Tudor Rose is Red, the Yorkshire Rose is White.

However they are both based upon the (wild) Dog or Alexandria Roses you see growing all over the country lanes.

After the War of the Rose's the Tudors amalgamated the Yorkshire Rose into their's and created the Red Rose surrounding the White Rose.

As Pete says, they are similar, any differences between the way they are portrayed is purely 'artistic licence'.

But if you want a Tudor and Yorkshire Rose, please ask you commissioner what he means by Tudor?


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