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Just been offered about 1/2 dozen pieces of holly trunk each about 14" dia x 14" long. Now if I can get it dried without splitting I will be well chuffed. Not had holly this large before. Split, part turn PVA glue....any other ideas?


Despite what George says, Holly is a lovely wood to turn and if seasoned correctly will be beautifully white. It has liitle or no visible grain but if seasoned incorrectly, will end up with grey marks that looks a bit like uneven staining. It will split unless seasoned and dried slowly or kiln dried correctly. I don't know the correct way to season correctly unfortunately. I too have just acquired some and will cut the logs into 2 inch thick boards and end seal and then dry in PE bags very slowly. I use it alot in segmented turning as it adds a lovely contrast to other wood colours and makes them stand out. Best of luck. Please let me know how you get on. Malcolm.


--- Quote from: George Foweraker on April 12, 2013, 03:35:10 PM ---I think it is good for colouring if you can avoid the spliting.

Regards George

--- End quote ---

Now why aren't I surprised you said that George LOL. It is a lovely pale hard wood so will be great for it if I can keep it intact. Fingers crossed.



--- Quote from: George Foweraker on April 12, 2013, 03:55:33 PM ---
 Pete I think it will be busy in London when we go there on Tuesday

--- End quote ---

More than usual? Just glad I am not driving.


Cheers guys , that has cheered me up no end!!
Pete, you will struggle to get Holly dry without it splitting, it tends to acquire a lot of radial shakes in it. Good luck.
John BHT


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