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The first and last Holly I had made lovely Mushroom from green, the bark on the underside, so halved through the pith, looked natural with the movement and the branch ends off the truck did beautiful stalks .. think the last remaining one maybe posted ..

Cheers    David

Mark Sanger:

--- Quote from: bodrighywood on April 12, 2013, 07:59:42 PM ---I was thinking of splitting it around the pith into pieces and using some wet out of curiosity and some to dry. If turned thin will it still split or warp? I should have enough to be able experiment. As it was only cut down two days ago I hopefully have it in time to play around a bit. Interesting to hear some of the thoughts. 


--- End quote ---

Turning Holly thin is generally the best way to turn it. It will certainly warp and shrink parallel to the growth rings. Turn it to around 3 mm and it should be find. Soak it in oil and see what happens..

Have a look at this link, Bill Luce, a master at the thin wall holly bowl. see how beautiful it is. I am sur eyou are aware of his work, but if not take a look, a master of the highest level.

If I can produce something like that Mark I'll be happy. I am going to have to have a go now aren't I LOL. Never know if I don't try


Sometimes holly can have some unusual markings like this dancing man vase I turned about 10 years ago  

Bryan Milham:
Woody, I can see why you kept that one.

I see a stylised 'running man' - what does everyone else see?


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