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Do you have weekends like this as well?

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Dave Atkinson:
It all started on Friday when I had a morning off.  Lovely day and I thought I must weed the top border before escaping into the shed.  it's called the top border because it's just short of 5 feet above the patio and the retaining wall has some nice coping stones.

As I'm up there digging I though "I must be careful or I could fall off", 20 seconds later I put my foot on the coping stone which was loose and down I went! :o

Battered and a bit shaken I was able to reassure Joan next door I was OK as stuck her head over the fence to see what had caused the double expletives  :-[ and enquire after my welfare.

When my wife returned home she commented that I had "trashed the forsythia as well"  :(

Undeterred I finished the weeding and managed enough time in the shed to tidy it up before I had to go to work.

Saturday dawned and after doing the normal weekend jobs I got into the shed full of enthusiasm to make the competition entry for this Friday - a mushroom box.  I decided to turn a threaded box similar to John B's Zulu Box from some yew.  It had a few shakes in it but a bit of superglue and all went well until the final polishing - lapse in concentration (presumably delayed concussion ;)) and i caught the box in the buffing wheel and it broke the flange as it bounced off the shed wall.  I normally put a mat behind the lathe for such an eventuality but forgot this time (that concussion again).

So much for Saturday!
Sunday is a brand new day, bigger piece of yew, no shakes and off I go again.  Threads OK, box OK, bit of a rush to get it finished as i am leaving for work in the afternoon and I promised we'd look at garden furniture before I went.  Jam chuck not brilliant fit, chanced it (that concussion again  ::)) got small catch and broke the flange again  :'(

Hey ho, two pieces of decorative firewood and as I'm not home again until Friday night, with just enough time to dump my stuff and leave for the club I shall have to be a non entrant this month!  We did get to look at furniture though so I got a brownie point  8)

Next weekend can only be better!

Cheers Atco

Roger Groom:
Hi Dave.
The short answer is Yes. Cant you texture around the broken bit and claim it is animal damage!!
Roger G

Glad to see it is not just me that fires wood off the lathe, I almost killed the cat yesterday!

Hi Dave,
The moral is - leave the garden in its natural state. I shall learn by your lesson!!!
Cheers, John.

Andy Coates:
No. It must just be you few.

I never have accidents. Never fall off walls. Never destroy the forsythia (wouldn't know one if I did trip over it and damage it!). Never damage flanges. And never, ever lose things off the lathe. And I certainly never cut the neck clean off a hollow form during a demo. :o


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