General Category > General Discussion

Newbie best way to get rid Of end grain tear Out after Turning A bowl

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John D Smith:
Hi George and Bill
                       Come on guys let it drop now shake hands and start again.I can see both sides of this thread but I would not like to see a falling out.

                                                                                                         Regards John

Bryan Milham:

Bill has asked for advice on his tooling problem. Any thoughts you have on what he does with his work afterwards he has not up for debate.

We are not all professional turners, but I'd hope we can all be professional enough to be polite and courteous. I know you are well meaning but your forthright manor can be disconcerting to people who don't know you.

John D Smith:
Hi You Guys, I do not know where Bill Lives I would like to suggest Bill tells us where he lives and someone near enough offers him a days tuition FOC
And prove to him what a good forum this is.Regards John

John D Smith:
George, That is a great offer and very generous of you I do hope Bill is in a position to take up this offer.

Bill, I hope you are in a position to take up George's offer he is a great Bloke and it would be a good opportunity for you.

                                                            Regards to you both John

Andy Coates:
Hello folks,

there were a couple of ways to deal with what's coming, and rightly or wrongly I've decided to do it this way if only to stop the POST REPORTS and to save me answering them individually.

I have had two POST reports concerning George's comments. I have looked at both comments and I do not feel that either constitutes a breach of the user agreement in this instance.

Whilst I can see why his comments might be considered harsh, they do not contain abusive language or tone, and are actually just an opinion. An opinion perhaps worded poorly or a little too stridently, but an opinion nonetheless.

So as the thread stands at this time the issue is closed.

We're all supposed to be grown ups. If you don't care for an opinion expressed you can say so and ask for no further comments, or request me to remove the thread. If a request to desist is ignored then I will issue a warning to the appropriate poster. If they continue I will delete their account without notification or recourse.



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