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Mark Sanger:
I am sure you all aware of spams etc, so not trying to teach anyone to suck eggs.

If you ever get an email from a bona fide company that you are registered with then it will always have your name at the top of the page, if it says ' Dear Customer' or similar then it is more often than not a phishing email, or spam.


Andy Coates:
Brian is safe and well but unable to deal with this at the moment. It's only a spamming email as already stated. Delete and forget.

Thanks for highlighting it here; I was unable to access the NET this morning when it came through and somebody called me.

Andy Coates:
I have now managed to contact Brian and advise he changes his password. He has responded and will do so.

apologies to all


Bryan Milham:
I got one to. Shame, he sounded in such trouble!

It's now a question of whether our e-mail addresses were farmed or just it was just his address book that was cycled.

We'll soon know, if we start getting lots of this sort of junk mail.

Philip Greenwood:
I know I was on his contact list.

I know a few people who are with BT and have hasimilarar problems.



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