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Blue underlined words

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Has my computer been got at?
Odd words are coloured blue and underlined. When I move the curser over them a pop-up add appears. It only seems to be on this site.

Andy Coates:
nothing reported by anybody else...

download the free version of AVG antivirus and run it...

Hi Andy,
Even had one on your reply.

Bryan Milham:
It's an advertising method, probably being used by you Internet Provider. I had it for a whole but can't remember what it's called.

There is a way to stop it, try Googlr, if not I'd need more info, and maybe not this evening, fast approaching beddy bye's time.

If you are using Firefox as your browser you can turn it off by clicking on the Firefox link at the top left of your screen, go to add ons, then on the left click on "Get Add-Ons" and download "Adblock Plus" this will solve the issue you have. If you are using IE as your broswewr, go to Tools/Options and look for block pop ups ...  ;)


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