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Hollowing Tool (Allan Batty)

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Can anyone help me identify the hollowing tool used by Allan Batty on his master-class thread chasing DVD , it is used to make the initial hollow before making the female thread it seems to be a scraper type tool with one parallel edge and one angled edge almost coming to a point at the tip , I have searched all the usual suppliers sites but to no avail , hopefully someone out there has had the same problem but been able to solve it.


Les Symonds:
Hi galerg...have you, by any chance, got an image or a link to a video/youtube that we can see?


Richard Stapley:
I think you will find this is a Tool he has formed, probably from a Flat Scrapper, to primarily relieve the area [undercut] where the Thread will stop.


Regret not Les , the only place I have seen it is on my DVD , there is an excerpt of this on you tube but not that part which shows the tool in question.

Hi Richard , no it's not the slot cutting tool I'm aware of that one , this is in addition to that .


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