General Category > General Discussion

Niggles with New Forum - please report here

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Andy Coates:
When typing text into a message box, but only when the post exceeds the visable window, you may notice that the window jerks away and leaves you unable to see the line of text you are typing.

This is a problem related to IE8 and is not a software fault.

The only cure at present is running IE in compatability mode.

At the top of your IE8 browser window click on TOOLS and navigate down to COMPATABILITY MODE

you can add the forum address here and IE8 will automatically use CM when you navigate to the forum.

If you have any problems please email me directly or else post them here.


Philip Greenwood:
Thanks Andy

Good to know its IE8 and not my typing.


Andy, It doesn't seem to be generating Cookies properly I keep having to sign in even though I have checked the 'Forever' button.

Paul Hannaby:
I was going to say I hadn't noticed the text jumping problem but as I'm using Firefox as a web browser, that might explain why!

Andy Coates:
If that's Colin in Spain I may know why...I'll try and sort it out later, Colin.

I know they're working here. Unless anybody else has a problem?

And Paul...the problem doesn't exhibit in Firefox or Chrome, so you're fine...



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