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GYO-2 ..

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--- Quote from: TWiG on May 08, 2013, 07:16:39 PM ---I am pretty sure they are all Ash !!!

--- End quote ---

A day or so more an it looks as if it will be out in full leaf, can tell then and another picture too, if that's the case, I've found another small pot hiding away that could be Ash as well, I could have 3 Ash .. good as we're faced with the die back, if they remain safe.

Cheers   David

On ash trees /twigs the buds appear in pairs " opposite " each other ( as do maples and some others ) beech are alternate ie one on the left ,next on the right .  this is one of the main identification keys for winter twigs .  beech are also much thinner twigs and smaller pointed buds .


Update pictures ..  Ash and the more ...


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