Author Topic: Shadow of the Turning ......  (Read 14521 times)

Paul Disdle

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Re: Shadow of the Turning ......
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2013, 09:40:16 PM »
I am not really a fan of Bihn's work. I appreciate the skill required but it just doesn't excite me as much as simpler forms.

As I view other turners work from the R&B to the coloured and carved to try and understand form and finish I have not been disappointed with the UK  turners input. The American market is very different to the UK market which is again different to the Australian market. I enjoy reading the articles in The Woodturning Magazine on over seas turners so I can see what the rest of the world is up too.

Turning is a traditional craft which is routed in its practical applications making things with and for a purpose which is a skilled art. It is never and should  not want to shrug this image of as it is very important.

What is now making the woodturning arena more diverse is the turners making thing just for decorative purposes, these artists would probably give themselves a better chance by calling themselves multi media artists and breaking from the stereotype of what people think woodturners are and do.

I respect both camps the skills Richard has in his production turning I admire as much as Mark's eye for the creative.

Diversity is what will keep woodturning as a hobby and profession growing.

Just my rambling thoughts
