General Category > General Discussion

Forum niggles 2...

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Andy Coates:
I've just updated the forum software with a patch which addresses a number of bugs recently discovered in the software.

As usual the particular issues are not detailed, but I hope that some of those experienced by us are addressed in the update.

The original forum niggles post is still inaccessible, but I am not overly concerned by this. Everything is covered in the new niggles2 post anyway.

A couple of our non-uk based users have experienced logging in problems. I believe this is related to an issue with cookies, which I also hope is addressed in the patch i've just installed in the software.

If you have other issues please post here and I will try and sort them out asap.


Andy Coates:
this update only applies to those two users experiencing login and staying logged in problems.

The issue is caused by a very technical problem which I can work on, but it may take a while as I need to aquaint myself with a whole new area of mysql.

In the meantime...

if you get logged out and returned to Guest status, please try hitting the HOME button and see if this logs you back in.

If not, please either email with a detailed account of what did happen, or if you can, post details here.

For once it seems the forum software is in advance of the host's server software, and this is where the problem lies.

I am working on it.


I did get logged out but as you suggested clicking the home button did log me in again automatically.

Andy Coates:
Thanks, Colin; that helps to pinpoint the problem's solution. I know where to look now and will get to it over the next few days. Many thanks.


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