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Forum niggles 2...

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--- Quote from: Katchin on February 05, 2011, 10:56:53 PM ---I still get the 500 error when i try to access the "Niggles with New Forum - please report here" post

--- End quote ---

Me too still getting the 500 error.

Hope the shoulder isn't too stiff and a hot bath and a glass of what you fancy put it right  ;)

greg miller:
Me too! Error 500, that is.

My first post on this, and pretty well any other forum.

Hello, and best wishes,

Andy Coates:
Are you all reporting the error 500 in relation to the original "Niggles with New Forum - please report here " post?

The problem seems to be related to a DB error.

As the rest of the forum seems unaffected I think I'll simply delete the post.

So if you read this and then look you won't find anything...

now that was a pointless post!

Andy Coates:
That was remiss...

Hello Greg, welcome to the forum, and welcome to fora in general.

If you have questions please ask them and I'm sure somebody will respond with an answer.


greg miller:
Thank you, Andy.

I just noticed Error 500 on an otherwise empty page and in my innocence decided to add my experience to the pot!

By way of introduction, I'm a member of 'West Midlands Woodturners', don't do nearly enough turning, but do have a couple of pieces circulating in the current AWGB travelling exhibitions. I've been "at it" for about 15 years.



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