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I'd just open firefox and went to login to the forum on the already opened page, via my stored password, and it went to a page, saying I couldn't recover my password and a box to enter my e-mail, then a small tick box, to send me a security question, I've never seen or had this before, is it normal, I didn't use it, I click back the page, cleared the password and re-entered it fresh, the same page came up. I'd tried this twice more, with the same result,  I finally closed that page, open a new one, put in the web address, the site open as usual with my password in place, I picked the time for logon and clicked enter and the page opened as usual....    Has this been some party after details, Has anyone else had the same..    ??? ...    I've taken to report this in case it is a problem or something un-known with the system.


I've had the same problem, Have always set to  be logged on "forever" be this does not happen. I have found that if I log-on As soon as I visit the forum. It logs on OK but if I visit a forum category before logging it wont accept my details.


Andy Coates:
Is your problem with firefox too, John?

Jo Winter is also having problems - different problems - and I now wonder if he uses firefox.

I'll load firefox and track the problem later today.

thanks for reporting

Andy Coates:
no problems in safari

Andy Coates:
no problems in firefox 4...

I'll dig deeper later on


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