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Where to get best workshops?

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Dave Atkinson:

When I got my shed six years ago now I insulated it with loft insulation and covered it with 1/4 ply in the roof and 3/8 on the walls.  The sockets around the walls are on two separate circuits as are the lights.  I added an outside socket which is very useful for the lawnmower.

I also added two oil filled radiators linked to a thermostat.  I set this to about 8 degrees so it is always dry and warm in winter.

You may also want to insure it - I have included mine in the house contents insurance - I'm with NFU.

Enjoy your new shed Carl.

Cheers Dave


--- Quote from: John D Smith on May 18, 2011, 12:38:02 PM ---Carl, That was good service,one question I would ask C&C is the Glass in the windows Toughened.Regards John 

--- End quote ---

Good point, go for laminated if you get a choice.
Toughened smashes into little pieces, laminated just cracks and stays in place.

When's the shed warming party? I'll bring the first shavings.......
Brian ;D

Andy Coates:
Oi, Brian! I've promised to provide ALL the shavings for Carl's new shed...find another home for your waste please! ;D

It's nice to see you fighting over my space that hasn't even arrived yet I'm touched lol ;D



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