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The new workshop....

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ah. sunday. oh well lol.

Today, the floor was laid. what a tricky and painful job. Sitting on the floor, placing T&G boards together and screwing in place, trimming, cutting and final leveling. After that I decided to do some extra fine tuning on the design. this includes new interior window frames to match the new finish, an extended door frame to the exit / delivery door, etc.

tomorrow, I sort things out with the builders yard re the timber and then I can finally get on with things. Considering at one point I felt my back "PING" and I was in pain for most of the day, I've managed to get a heck of a lot done.

Hope to be completed by thursday at the latest depending on materials, etc.


Well today's just started and a problem has just haulted the entire job.

my trusty bosch chop saw (GCM12SD) has died. the motor is growling and smoking like a good one. Spoke to bosch and like usual they're not too helpful. So now I'm having to take the slower approach which is a bit more difficult for me. oh well..

I'm seriously examining buying a ras for production cutting. what a pain in the neck. oh well. these things happen.

anyway just catching up on a bit of paperwork for a few mins and waiting on a phone call back.

have a great day and if you've got amazing weather like we have here, enjoy.

an update.

The chop saw can be repaired by bosch under warranty.... HOWEVER. It MUST be in a suitable box or CRATE to be collected. as I don't have either, I have to travel to wrexham with dad on monday which is a pain in the neck. The company want to charge me £90 to collect and deliver the saw.

not a financially viable option there.

so will have to wait till next week.

However, the good news is I'm nearly finished....

The saga with the wood............. WELL........... ERMM...........

Went in this morning to sort out the situation and put the idiot in charge of the wood yard straight on things. well that worked out well as the damaged materials were collected and I was refunded this afternoon. No worries there.

Went to collect the refund this afternoon to then place an order for materials for another job to be served by what I can only describe as a brainless half wit gnome with no ounce of "Get up and go" enough to make your tea curdle and whatever chance of food go way out of the window.

This brainless half wit (Gnome) took 20 mins to sort out a payment and then as I needed to sort out the order and delivery schedule, it decided to have a "Blonde moment" and leave the till and serve someone else. NO this won't do. It comes back to give me the words "Might be tomorrow some time........"

That's asking for trouble. I was at that point absolutely livid.

Anywho, As I was leaving, a customer who I knew from one of our local trades was buying a workshop vac for a site job. The other member of staff "The old age teapot" gave this guy the wrong info and told him to use the machine without dust bags when the guy buying the machine was clearly using it for fine sanding dusts. wrong machine, wrong bags, wrong info.

How do I know this..... Well I happen to know Numatic very well indeed as an endorser of their industrial equipment.

anyway enough of my brain rattling on. The gerbil seems to be pushing boxes of screws around my desk.

(esk = half desk half elf)


Today was stressful. had an accidental electrical shutdown. I was in the middle of finish cladding and installing beam casings when I was distracted  by mum of all people saying something whilst I had the drill and screw in hand putting up a decorative panel to the apex casings when the next minute I know, everything's off. I'd struck the earth cable but not gone all the way through the cable. phew.

The bosch chop saw has been picked up and taken to bosch for servicing. so should be with me in a week.

It's funny, you never realise how easy your job is until your mitre saw goes away and you're there feeling the line ready to cut with a jig saw or circular saw. stressful, tiring and nerving.

tomorrow is final casing installations and then friday is all day wall and ceiling sanding ready for a clear sealer to go on.

then all being well the carpet goes down saturday and sunday.

after this, it's time to order my new lathe rig, etc. let's just hope I can find a dealer willing to either do discount or do a package deal for me.

have fun all.


At last, today's finally over and the last of the casings are done. tomorrow afternoon is sanding day, all of saturday, etc. then sunday is carpet day. Fingers crossed, monday is the finish date. although there will be some further fine tuning at a later date.



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