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The new workshop....

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Hey brian.

Remember I told you about the idiot electrician. Well he's holding me up. photos tomorrow. Have had a lot to deal with today and I'm not exactly a happy bunny.


As promised at last, photos.



 8) ..   Lew,  That is one excellent build..  next to see some shavings on that carpet... reminds me as to the chap who had a wall to wall carpet in his garage..  his car fell in it..   :D ..    Whot !!!!!! I see no hamsters..   ;D ...   good to see a picture of you..  hope your more of a happy bunny today.

Cheers and hope you have many happy and fun hours in the shop, try to keep it clear....   :D ...       David

lol yep I'm a very happy bunny..

Well it's wednesday morning. it's rained and I'm about to start the morning's business with some marketing and endorsement / sponsorship work. after that, it's some tactile design for the drying rack, desking and the all important lathe tool rack.


The Gerbils are waiting to move in lol. one had a very interesting conversation with a random dog about "Renting my workshop out as a sauna"


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